This is something meaningful..
When i was watching it, it was talking about tanah..
I thought it was like Halal crap again..
No offence, but i do think that is a very bad video made..
Well, other do like it though..
So, this is just because of difference point of view..
As I said, it start with Tanah, follows by Air..
When this two combine, it becomes Lumpur..
Lumpur is just some representation of something useless or unpure..
Two equation can represent all :
Tanah + Air = Lumpur - Bribery = One Malaysia
Tanah + Air = Lumpur - Rasicm = One Malaysia
Can we solve the equation???
Oh My Venus
9 years ago
From the equation,
Bribery = Rasicm = Bad things = Many other bad things that should be eliminated.
Bribery destroy the trust of us to the government..
Racism destroy the trust of each other..
Thanks for visiting my blog.. =)
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